Agreeing a new rent at a review or lease renewal can often be contentious.
A landlord will want the rent set at as high a figure as possible to improve the value of his investment and secure the highest possible income and a tenant will want the rent set at as low a figure as possible to take the pressure off their business and so they don’t feel they are running their business just to pay ever increasing amounts of rent and rates bills.
Having been both a tenant and a landlord and acted for both landlords and tenants for over 15 years we are acutely aware that these matters can be difficult to agree and often benefit from getting the professional advice of a surveyor.
Clearly a landlord and tenants relationship can be an awkward one when their goals with respect to rental levels are opposite but our role is to get the best result for our clients while allowing a positive move forward for both parties as that relationship between landlord and tenant should be able to continue and improve once the matter is resolved.
Sometimes we as your surveyor will have to think outside the proverbial box or come up with options that allow parties to feel they have achieved an agreement that if not what they had first hoped is still fair and within their expectations.
We have acted for tenants negotiating direct with their landlords without the landlords feeling the need to instruct a surveyor or with the landlords managing agents.
We have acted for landlords negotiating direct with the tenants without the tenant feeling the need to instruct a surveyor and come up with a workable soloution for them to minimise the immediate effect of a rental increase.
Finally we have negotiated with other surveyors whether based in central London, Greater London or outside London and always look to achieve success for our clients whilst being mindful of costs and respectful to all involved.
Unfortunately these matter are not always capable of agreement between two surveyors or the parties with advice from professionals and it is then important to have a surveyor like us represent you who is able and use to making submissions to third party surveyors.
However when making a submission to a third party surveyor where an agreement cannot be reached, knowing the history of a high street and of a specific transaction can make the difference between an incorrect assumption, and understanding the detail to support a vital argument.
Having done a master’s thesis comparing high streets in North London and dealt with transactions on every high street in our area as well as having acted in rent reviews and lease renewals we are the ideal people to help you with your rent review and lease renewal needs.